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SNHS Officer Application

Seniors who where members last year, and plan on pursuing a career in the sciences.  Completed applications need to be submitted no later than Friday, March 19th.

Officer Requirements:

  • Must maintain an overall minimum unweighted GPA of 3.0

  • Must maintain a minimum unweighted Science GPA of 3.5

  • Must currently be enrolled in an Honors, AP, or IB Science Class in application year​

  • Must currently be a SNHS member in good standing

    • good standing means you have paid your dues and have earned enough points.​

Science National Honor Society Officer Application

What Position are you Applying for?

Course Verification:  Please input the courses in the Sciences you have completed thus far.  

GPA Verification

Teacher Recommendation

An E-mail will be sent to this teacher.  A positive response must be received to be inducted into NSHS.

Verification Statement

I                                   , have read and completed this application and agree to the manner of selection. I hereby state that the information that has been presented in this application is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any violation of the pillars of the Science National Honor Society (scholarship, character, leadership, service) as well as providing any consciously false information on this application may result in my immediate and permanent removal from the Science National Honor Society as well as any other disciplinary actions deemed necessary.

Why do you want to become a SNHS officer?

All potential officers will do a short 15 minute interview with the current SNHS officers.  Please select an interview time that works best for you.  You will be e-mailed a confirmation once our interviews are set.  Please note, interview times may change based off of demand.

Document Upload


If you do not get a "Thanks for submitting!" message, your documents did not go through!  The two most common problems are:


1. You did not fill in a required field, make sure all required fields are filled in

2. Your uploaded transcript is either to big, or in a file format that can't be processed.  Try taking a screen shot of the transcripts and uploading them as a picture instead of a document.

Upload Transcript

Thanks for submitting!

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